4MIKOLAS CHADIMA - composer, saxophonist, guitarist and singer


The abbreviation MCH in the title are the initials of the band‘s founder(1982) and leader, composer, saxophonist, guitarist and singer MIKOLÁŠ CHADIMA, who was born in *1952(Cheb), lives in Prague. He played in several important alternative rock groups in 7Os(Elektrobus,Kilhets, Classic Rock‘n‘Roll Band), and since 1976 is a member of the well-known independent The Rock & Jokes Extempore Band
(from 1978 till 1981 its leader).

............................................................................................................................  biography

has belonged for long years among the most inspirative, inventional and nonconform creator of the Czechoslovak rock scene.
He played at innumerable concerts, both official(Prague Jazz Days)
and nonofficial, even illegal gigs. His artistic and political activity (from 1979 signatory of Charta 77) resulted in continuous persecutions, interrogation and ivestigation by Czechoslovak secret police and authorities. That is why he was allowed to travel abroad(from 1972 till 1989), with only two exeption in 1981, when the secret police attempted to force him to emigrate. At the time MIKOLÁŠ CHADIMA played his music
in London, accompanied by members of
This Heat, The Work, Henry Cow and Art Bears
  (Chris Cutler, Tim Hodkinson, Mick Hobbs and Charles Bullen). His second tour was to Hungary, wher, with his former The Extempore Band, he was invited  to play by the popular Hobbo Blues Band. He was often invited to play in both west and east, but the authorities made
it impossible. Even if The Extempore Band
  proclaimed the best group
in Czechoslovakia by Jazz Bulletin - prestige magazine of semiofficial Jazz Section (was licvidated by well known process in 1986)
 the second personality of rock music in 1981 the band wasn‘t allowed to perform.

In September 1981 it was dissolved and MIKOLÁŠ CHADIMA founded MCH BAND. It was rather a mark of  samizdat cassettes(Fist Records) than name
of the band; the group had to be extra named for every illegal gig.
From 1982 recorded his music in home-made studios, and released these „Albums“ as home duplicated cassettes. Making this „musical samizdat“ was dangerous, because it was banned by authorities and some of „businesmen“ were condemned up for two years of prison. With The Extempore Band he released 9 („Albums“) cassettes
  and with MCH BAND another 7 cassettes. All of them with his own original music. His music was released on cassettes and vynil samplers by „indies“ in USA, Australia, Japan, Italy, UK, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Yugoslavia, Poland...  Despite endless struggles, he succeeded and after 1989 he was finaly able to play with MCH Band abroad. Fortunately, „The Velvet Revolution“ hat changed the scene.

In 9O‘s MIKOLÁŠ CHADIMA put his energy to composing. He played rest only with MCH BAND, but also with Peter Binder, Aleš Charvát, Pavel Fajt, Iva Bittová, Fred Frith, Chris Cutrler etc. At the present time he prepared new CD of MCH BAND.


But new wave/punk influences checked their more introverted moments and their latest set - based on a song cycle called  „ 15 Dreams Of The City Inhabitant“ is an exhilarating fusion of tense thrashes, chants and sweet, controlled moments.
The songs, according to an English speaking colleague of the band, are grotesque ... full of black humour, absurdity, blasphemy, anarchy and ... cryptograms“.

                                                                                     (Chris Bohn - „Biba Kopf“,  NME 1Oth January 1981)

„This a cassette sent by „MK“, of Czech performer Startka(Name of MCH BAND in concert in Ostrov, 1984)  in two live gig situation. No other information is on the tape; I am not certain if it is actually  a  „release“ or not.The music sounds on Live at Ostrov like Startka on echoing voices and possibly with a female voice,
and electric guitar, amids what sounds like a general rustle of voices (of the audience?). Psychologically violent, quasi-operatic sense of drama; a dark and uncompromised performance of a beautiful intensiv which entertains no sort of self-indulgence, despite its deliberate, aggressively bleak pacing. Startka and co. are putting themselves out on the line here, and it sounds like it“.

       (Terry Fugate, Jim Willet&Myro Keel - Tape and Record Rewiews, The Improvisor. Vol.III Autumn `87, Alabama- USA)

MCH BAND : „Jsme Zdravi A dari Se Nam Dobre“ and  „Krokodlak“.  The first title translates to „we are well and we feel fine“, no doubt to reassure the outside world that thea`re still in bussines. This band is a contunuation of Extempore,
a fine experimental
  band of the `7Os. Improvisation in Czechoslovakia is no smell feat. This is a live recording from 1983; the music is similar to Henry Cow/Faust/Yochko Seffer. MCH ist outspoken; even if the tongue if foreign; the emotion isn`t. Very powerful stuff. „Krokodlak“ is a studio tape of sorts.  Very intricate and exciting music; this is one of the best things I`ve heard all year. Recorded very much on the sly, yet surprisingly good quality.

                                                                                                                         (Jeff Jobson, Option , USA, 1988)

MCH BAND: „Es reut mich f...“The most  famous progressive rock band from Eastern Europe is undoubtedly Czechoslovakia`s Plastic People Of The Universe. But in the many years since their classic debut LP, Egon Bondy`s Lonely Hearts Club Band ,  they `ve gotten sorta dull. The recent release by their current incarnation, Pulnoc, should prove my point. Those bugged by distressingly prosaic sound of these former titans are directed toward this two - record set by the MCH BAND.Es reut  has some of Zappa-descendec arrangement - weirdness that seems so ubiquitous in eastern European avant-rock circles, but there are lots of other textural subtleties and clang here, making it clear that the band`s alliances with members of two other bands, Art Bears and This Heat, are not product of mere tokenism. The lyrics are Greek to me, but the musical motion is lopsided, noisy, and prog in the best sense of the world. This is an excellent set of sonic bluster`n`blubber that ougota have wide appeal among the more discerning readers out there.

                                                                                                          (Byron Coley, Spin - April `92, USA)

„Music of MIKOLAS CHADIMA can be called Prague music. We can find in it coolness of gothic cathedrals, richness of barogue pallaces, and tragicomic atmosphere that is typical for Czech-German-Jude inhabitants of Prague, stigmatized by naci and komi terror“.

                                                                                          (Josef Vlček 1991, from MCH BAND` s sleevnote)

MCH BAND: „Gib Acht!“„After their first 1O years of existence, the MCH BAND,
a Czech alternative rock legend, has realased an album that deserves to be ranked among the best Czech discs of the 199Os (So far). Gib Acht! (Watch Out!) follows the band`s
Es Reut Mich F... as the next link in their experimental chain of Germans-language tunes....“

                                                                                                        (Jan Sliva, Prognosis, September 3-16, 1993, Prague) 


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